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All Boko Haram camps have completely been wiped out- Defence HQ 


This is some cheering news from the Defence Headquarters. At its maiden media chat which held in Abuja yesterday September 9th, The Director of Defence Information (DDI), Colonel Rabe Abubakar said the military is winning the war against Boko Haram as all the camps of the terror group have been destroyed.

He said:
“These terrorists have been subdued, even if they are adopting other means and as they are re-strategizing, we are also doing the same. We have been coordinating on the air and ground assault to make sure that these terrorists' hideouts are completely decimated.
As I am speaking to you all the terrorists camps have completely been wiped out.
So right now they are completely in disarray, having no command and control of where to plan. We have even taken over the their camps and most of them have abandoned their bases and blended within towns and communities.
We are making a lot of headways and a lot of achievements and people should know that Boko Haram is no longer strong enough to hold ground.

He added that:
"Very soon this issue of whether they are in control of any territory in Nigeria or not will come to the open. We must begin to think of the nation. I am assuring you that they will never again recapture the territory taken from them, because what is happening right now with the deployment of troops, equipment and morale will ensure that."



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