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Innocent man mistaken for a Palestinian terrorist shot by a security guard and lynched by mob in Israel

An innocent Eriterian man identified as Haftom Zarhum, has died after being shot by a security guard and then beaten by a mob who thought he was the accomplice of an attacker who launched a deadly attack on a bus station.
One Israeli soldier was killed and 10 injured after the assailant, armed with a gun and a knife, opened fire in a bus station in Beersheba, Israel. The Arab attacker was shot and killed in the incident on Sunday evening.


Following the initial gunfire, a security guard shot the Eritrean asylum seeker, who is believed to have been standing near the assailant. Video footage shows him being beaten by an angry crowd who incorrectly believed he was an accomplice. He then had a bench thrown at him and pinned to the ground with a chair. He was taken to a local hospital, where he died later from his injuries.

Police said those that took part in the mob attack are facing arrest. One of them, who gave his name only as Ddu, told Israeli Army Radio he felt disgust at his own actions.
 "I understood from people he was a terrorist. If I would have known he wasn't a terrorist, believe me, I would have protected him like I protect myself," He said. "I didn't sleep well at night. I feel disgusted."
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has condemned the incident. "People should not take law into their own hands," he said.

Zerhom's death adds to those of nine Israelis and more than 40 Arabs who have been killed in recent weeks.


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