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In Oyo Female Civil Servants Allegedly Stage Protests Half Naked


Reports say half naked female staff of Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria (CRIN), Ibadan, have staged a protest, demanding for the removal of the Executive Director, Professor Malachy O. Akoroda.
The female staff are accusing Akoroda of corruption and high handedness.
A petition signed by the Baale of Odo Onanla, Chief Yekeen Ogunyode, reads "Letters have been sent to the President Federal Republic of Nigeria and Federal House of Representatives regarding the lingering crisis in CRIN. In addition numerous petitions have been sent to the ICPC, the EFCC, the Auditor General, and Accountant General of the Federation concerning the mismanagement of funds through white elephant projects at the expense of research by Professor Akoroda.

“The workers alleged that Professor Akoroda use his influence to engage the security services to intimidate, harass, and victimize all those involved in the struggle to expose his maladministration through the issuance of queries, endless warnings, open confrontations and many more. Chief Ogunyode and other community leaders informed journalists during the protest that they identify with the plight of the workers and demand for the removal of Professor Akoroda
“We the Community Leaders have made several attempt to ensure this matter is settled, but Professor Akoroda will not listen. We cannot continue to fold our arms and watch this institute rot away or have our land taken away, most of our people are here. We want peace and I think peace cannot return to this place until Professor Akoroda is removed.”


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