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Erosion swallows 20 houses in Delta community


The erosion ravaging Ika North-East Local Government Area of Delta State, especially Midomer Street in the community has so far destroyed no fewer than 20 houses.
While residents of the affected houses are now taking refuge in Abavo, a neighbouring community, the state Commissioner for Environment, Mr. John Nani, has expressed shock at the impact of the disaster.

“I am shocked at the impact of over 90 metres deep erosion ravaging Midomer treet, but I can assure residents of the area of government’s readiness to proffer solution,” he said.
The commissioner who also expressed dissatisfaction at the slow pace and standard of work at the dredging project in river Orogodo in Agbor, however, cautioned the contractor to expedite action or face the wrath of the state government.
He said, “I am worried at the impact of the gully, but I want to commend the victims for their patience over the last 10 years especially those that lost their ancestral homes, graves of their buried relations and electric poles.”
He noted with regret the financial implication involved in addressing natural disasters and said the state government in partnership with the World Bank would ensure succor for the victims.
On the poor performance of the contractor handling river Ogorodo river project, the commissioner warned that government would deal with the contractor if he fails to execute the project to specification.


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