When You See How The Dog Helps Its Paralyzed Owner, You Will Be Moved To Tears! I’ve Never Seen Anything Like This Before!
Every day he has to overcome more than half a kilometre to his place of work. This is not far away, but for the sick man it is a real effort.
The man repairs shoes in Henan province. One day, he experienced something unusual. In order to get to work, he stuck in the muddy road. He suddenly felt that someone is trying to help him and gently pushes him forward. When he turned around to thank he could not believe his eyes… There was a dog behind him. More photos...
Laoma knew this dog very well. He took him in several years ago after someone had abandoned him on the street.
The man is poor and cannot afford an electric wheelchair, the assistance
of a dog is therefore invaluable. The most surprising is the fact that
the pet was not trained for this task, although it is doing great! As
you can see, the proverb ‘A friend in need is a friend indeed’ perfectly
describes this couple.
The relation that joins these two is unusual. If you also think so, share this post with your friends on Facebook!
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